neddy.cl_utils module

Documentation for neddy can be found here:


neddy [-nuvr] cone (filelist | ) [] neddy [-v] obj […]

-h, --help            show this help message
-n, --nearest         nearest object only
-u, --unclassified    include unclassifed extra-galaxtic objects
-v, --verbose         return more metadata for matches
-r, --redshift        redshift must be available
ra                    ra (decimal degrees or sexegesimal)
dec                   dec (decimal degrees or sexegesimal)
radiusArcsec          radiusArcsec (conesearch radius)
objectName            objectName (the name of the object)
pathToCoordinateList  path to list of ra dec radiusArcsec
outPutFile            path to outputfile
tab_complete(text, state)[source]

The main function used when ```` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command